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A Different Christmas: Novella (University Park Series) Page 3
A Different Christmas: Novella (University Park Series) Read online
Page 3
The restaurant was crowded and it took a little longer for us to get our food. “Two shrimp po’ boys. One with extra pickles,” the young waiter said, holding the baskets in front of us.
“You’ve got it.” Raven pointed to me, ensuring the guy gave me my food first.
“Thanks. Looks delicious.” I pulled the food closer to me, ready to dive in. My mouth salivated, inhaling the Cajun spices and tangy tartar sauce the restaurant was known for.
“Have you heard from the baby store about the furniture?” Raven asked in between bites.
“Yes.” I wiped my mouth. “They are supposed to deliver it today after three.” I glanced at him through my lashes. “I was hoping you were going to be home so you could help me.”
“I’m sorry, Lexi, but I can’t.”
“I know.” My throat tightened and the threat of tears stung my eyes. One thing I despised about the pregnancy was my fluctuating hormones. It didn’t take much for me to cry or be mad. I tried not to take it out on Raven, but it was difficult at times.
“Besides, you don’t really need me there. I mean, you can tell the delivery guys where you want the furniture, right?” Empathy laced his words. He was trying his hardest not to upset me.
“Yes, I’ll let them know.” I stared at my food, waiting for the lump in my throat to dissipate. “I also wanted you to hang up some decorations.”
He took the last bite of his sandwich and nodded. “Okay. I’ll do it tonight or sometime this week. I’ll be home on Thanksgiving, so I can do it then.”
I shook my head. “I’ll be too busy helping your mom and Mimi in the kitchen.”
He shot me a wide-eyed stare. “They told me they were taking care of everything.”
“They are, but I need to offer to help them.” I took one more bite.
“I don’t want you overexerting yourself. That was the agreement when we decided to have it at our house.”
I placed my sandwich in the basket, not feeling hungry anymore. “I know, but I’ll feel bad if I don’t offer to help.”
“Lexi, look at me, please.” Raven’s voice turned serious. Sitting back in my chair, I gave him my full attention. “Those babies…our babies, are more important to me than a turkey with all the trimmings. I don’t want you going into labor early. I’ll tell my mom and Mimi to order from a caterer if it’s too much for them.”
I shook my head. “Don’t do that. You’ll insult them.”
“Then I’m telling them I don’t want you in the kitchen. And I’m asking you to please take it easy.” His eyes pleaded with me.
“I will, I promise.” I smiled.
“Thank you. Did you finish editing that book?”
“Yes, and I told my clients I’d been taking a break for a month or so.” After graduating college, I had the opportunity to edit for an indie author, J.S. Christensen. She referred me to some of her colleagues and before I knew it, I had several clients. It gave me the opportunity to do what I loved, and best of all, it could be done from home.
“Were they okay with that?”
“They understood. Most of them have other editors they can use, but said they preferred me.”
“That’s great, baby.” He shot me a wide smile. “Once the twins are born, if you want to continue, I’m sure Mimi will watch them so you can do a little work.”
“I’d like to.”
He reached for my hand. “You know you don’t have to work, but I’ll support whatever you want to do.”
“Thanks, Raven. I appreciate that.” I squeezed his fingers, loving that he was in favor of my career decisions. Although I was excited about being a mom, I wanted to try and balance both.
“We better go. I don’t want to be late.” He motioned for the waiter. “Can we get our ticket and a box to go?”
“Sure thing,” the guy said, shuffling through the crowded restaurant.
“Thanks.” I wrapped the sandwich, knowing I’d eat it once I got home.
“I know you’ll get hungry later and want it.” He winked and his dimple on the right side of his cheek deepened.
I laughed. “How do you know me so well?”
“Hey, I’ve been taking notes.”
Knowing how much Raven cared about me and our unborn babies was the best feeling in the world. I honestly couldn’t ask for anything more. At times, I worried the old Raven would resurface and he’d be out the door, fighting his demons alone instead of with me. That was what scared me the most and what kept me from walking down the aisle with him. I had to let go of the fear and learn to trust him because he was doing everything to prove he was worthy of being the husband I needed and the father our babies deserved.
Practice seemed to last forever. When Coach finally let us leave, it was eight o’clock. But this was the pros and my livelihood depended on me putting forth one-hundred percent of my efforts and then some. Things weren’t always easy in the Big Easy, but I loved it. This was my chance — what I’d been waiting for all my life. Next week, I was the starting quarterback and if I wanted that spot until the end of the season, I had to work for it.
“Hey, Raven,” Terrance yelled as I exited the training facility.
I stopped and turned around. “Yeah?”
It took him a second to catch up to me. “I’m sorry about last night.”
I shot him a confused stare, and then it hit me. “Oh, yeah, don’t worry about it.” I blew it off like it was no big deal.
“I knew you had a woman and twins on the way, I just…” He stared at the ground, and it didn’t take a genius to know what he was going to say.
“Let me guess, you figured I still liked to have my hoes on the side?”
“I guess.” He released a half chuckle. “I thought you were okay with a little side-line action.”
I hit the button to start my SUV. “Before Lexi, yes. I screwed women left and right and didn’t think twice about it. But when you find that special someone…well, it changes you.”
He placed his hand on my shoulder. “I feel you. It just hasn’t happened for me.”
“Wait a minute,” I shot him a confused look, “I thought you were married?”
“Nah. We’re all fucked up.” He shook his head and looked away for a minute. “She’s so damn controlling, it drives me crazy.”
“But don’t y’all have a son?”
“Yeah.” He adjusted his bag. “He’s three…and I love him to death. It’s not his fault his mom’s a bitch.”
Hearing him speak negatively about his baby’s momma really bothered me. I had no idea what their story was, but it made me want to go home, pull Lexi into my arms, and show her how much she meant to me. How much I needed her in my life and how I couldn’t wait to hold our babies.
People were quick to search for their next mate, failing to realize they should try to work on improving themselves and the relationship they already have. That was something Dr. Galen had taught me, aside from learning how to control my own demons, and it had been invaluable. It opened my eyes and helped me to see that the grass wasn’t always greener on the other side.
“Bro, I’m sorry things are bad for you guys. If you want to talk, let me know. I’ve been seeing a counselor for a while and I’ve learned a thing or two.” In the past, I wasn’t very forthcoming about the help I’d received, but as I was learning to change, I saw how messed up people were and found myself offering to help them.
“I appreciate it, but I think we are beyond repair.”
“That’s what I said about myself, and look at me now.”
“I guess you’ve got a point.” He inclined his head. “I’m sorry again about last night. Won’t happen again.” He gave me a strong pat on the back. “You better get going. Your woman’s waiting for you.”
“Yeah, and I don’t want to keep her waiting any longer.” We both started to walk in the direction of our vehicles. “Pregnant women are ten times more emotional and hotheaded. At least, mine is.”
He laughed. “They’re all like that, man, pregnant or not.”
“See ya tomorrow morning.” I waved as I opened the door.
He saluted me with two fingers and got in his car.
On the way home, I made a quick stop at the grocery store and bought Lexi a dozen white roses. It might have been my way to apologize for not spending the day with her, but I also liked showering her with gifts.
I pulled into the garage and entered the house. It was quiet except for the sound of the TV coming from our bedroom upstairs. On the kitchen counter was a note telling me my dinner was in the fridge. Buying her flowers was a good idea after all.
“Hey, baby, I’m home,” I yelled from the bottom of the stairwell.
“In the bathroom.” Lexi’s voice carried from upstairs.
I took the stairs two at a time, anxious to see her. Before going to our room, I made a pit stop in our soon-to-be daughter’s room. The furniture had arrived after being on backorder for over a month. The room was beautifully decorated in shades of pink and grey. Frilly ornaments hung from the ceiling and everything appeared to be in place. I rubbed my chest, feeling an ache tug at my heart. She had done everything without me. It made me sad I wasn’t here to help her, but what could I have done? I had a game to prepare for, and, unfortunately, my career came first.
I knocked on the bathroom door before cracking it open.
“You can come in,” Lexi said in low voice.
The room was dim and soft music played from her phone on the counter. She was soaking in the tub, surrounded by bubbles and candlelight. “Hey, sexy, need some help with taking a bath?”
“If you’re offering, sure.” A slight smile emerged.
I pulled my arm from behind my back and held the bouquet of flowers in front of me. “I got something for you.”
Her lips immediately spread wider. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I set them on the counter.
“You didn’t have to buy me roses.”
“I know, but I wanted to.” I peeled off my shirt and tossed it on the counter before kneeling next to her. “I felt bad for not being here for you today. By the way, the room looks pretty. Did Mimi help you?”
Lexi shifted in the water, giving me a nice view of her plump, full breasts. They had nearly doubled in size. I couldn’t keep my hands off them and made sure to caress them gently since they were constantly sore.
“No, your cousin, Cassie, came over. Mimi watched the kids while we put everything together.”
“That was nice of her. You two have been hanging out a lot lately.”
Lexi handed me the loofa and leaned forward. “I don’t have anyone else to talk to and I can relate to her since she has two kids and a husband who travels.”
I stopped scrubbing her back for a moment. “I’m sorry my job is keeping me away from you.”
She kept her chin tucked, refusing to look at me. “It’s not that bad. I mean, I shouldn’t complain. Your only gone four days a month. It’s just…” Her voice trailed off, cracking.
“What, baby? Tell me?”
Tears streamed down her cheeks, her hormones getting the best of her. I did my best to be understanding and not get frustrated, even though the demon voices told me not to put up with it.
“Just say it. I’m not going to get upset or mad.”
She hesitated for a moment before speaking. “I’m happy for you…for us. This is exactly what you dreamed about and what I prayed for. I’m just being selfish…wanting you here with me.”
I hesitated to tell her I’d be practicing more and working out harder than ever before. “I know, and I’ll do my best to be here for you and the babies.” I ran the loofa over her big belly, spreading the suds and water.
Damn she was so beautiful pregnant.
“I know you will.” She sighed heavily.
“Then no more tears.” I wiped underneath her eyes with my dry hand. “We have so much to be grateful for and happy about.”
“We really do.” She sniffed. “You’re the starting quarterback.”
“At least for this upcoming game. Coach warned me I have to perform if I want that spot.”
“I know you can do it.”
“I know I can, too.”
She glanced down at her belly and placed her palms over it. “I can’t believe we’re having twins.”
It was as though reality struck her again. “In four weeks,” I reminded her.
A whimper escaped her lips and her brown eyes drooped. “I don’t think I can do this.”
“Of course you can. You’re a brave, strong woman. The doctor already said if natural childbirth was too hard she’ll deliver the babies via C-section.”
“I know…it’s just scary, not knowing what to expect.”
“You’ll do fine. And I’ll be there with you.”
“You promise?”
“Yes. Even if I have to go to the hospital in my football gear, I will be there.” I placed a kiss on her check. I hoped she wouldn’t go into labor while I was playing a game—or worse, away in another city. She’d never forgive me. I’d already warned my mom and Mimi and they swore they would be there for her.
“Will you be able to go with me to Lamaze class this Saturday?”
I cringed, already knowing the answer. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“If you can’t, I’ll ask Mimi to go with me.”
I dragged the loofa down her arm and back up in long, slow strokes. “I think that’s a good idea. Just in case you go into labor while I’m playing.”
“I hope that doesn’t happen.”
“Me, too.” I leaned forward and kissed the curve of her shoulder.
She giggled. “That tickles.” Her head bent to the side.
“Does it tickle when I do this?” I leaned forward and kissed the nape of her neck while allowing my fingers to circle around her nipple.
“Raven,” Lexi squealed and squirmed, splashing water, “you’re getting me excited.”
“That’s the whole point.” I let my hand drop into the water, caressing her leg. “Did the doctor say we could still have sex?”
She nodded. “Yes, as long as I don’t have any contractions or pain.”
“Good.” I gave her breast a soft squeeze. “I’m dying to worship your body.”
Her checks flashed a tinge of pink. “But I’m so big, and—”
“Sexy.” I kissed her on the lips. “Beautiful. Hot. Mama.” Her eyes fluttered with delight as my hand continued to explore her soft, plump folds under the water. Lexi’s sex drive hadn’t changed since becoming pregnant. It wasn’t as easy, but we learned to get creative with some new positions.
“Maybe I should get out of the tub. I don’t think you can fit in here with me.”
“Probably not. But as long as I have you all nice and wet, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“Oh, Raven, you are one bad boy.” She stressed each word, eyeing me hungrily.
“Your bad boy,” I snickered as I helped her out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her body. “And this bad boy is going to hold you and never take you for granted again.”
Her word struck the center of my chest, knowing I’d broken her heart before. I refused to do that to her again. She was too precious to me. “I’ll do more than promise, I’ll show you.”
A huge smile spread across her face. “I like that.”
I pulled her closer to me. “And I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before. Every chance I get, I’m going to hold you and kiss you.” I placed my lips on hers, showing her exactly what I had in mind. “I never want to be without you again.”
“Good, because I can’t be without you either.”
“Come on, baby.” I latched on to her hand and began to walk backwards toward our bedroom. “Let’s make the most of our time together.”
“Are you sure you not too tired?” She dropped her towel.
“Never.” My eyes skimmed her slick, wet skin. Lexi was beautiful and so sexy, even pregnant. “Get ready, baby, because I’m going to take my time, making you the queen of my world.”
“And I’ll make you my king.”
Chapter 3
I glanced at my phone ringing on the counter, my mom’s picture in clear view.
“Aren’t you going to answer it?” Mimi asked, pulling a tray of cornbread out of the oven.
“Yeah, I guess I should.” I grabbed my phone and exited the kitchen out the backdoor. I let it ring two more times before finally answering it. I wasn’t in the mood to hear my mom complain, and lately, that was all she did. “Hi, Mom.”
“Hi, baby. Happy Thanksgiving.” Her voice was cheery, which was unusual.
“Happy Thanksgiving. Are you getting everything ready for dinner?”
“Yes. We’re expecting a full house. Your brother, sister, and her kids should be arriving any moment.” She let out a sigh. “In addition to Uncle Fred, Aunt May, and some of your cousins.”
“Wow. I hope you have enough turkey.”
“I actually ordered two from the caterer.”
“Oh, you didn’t make them?” My mom wasn’t a cook and I knew better, but couldn’t resist the temptation to point it out.
A soft laugh released over the phone. “I haven’t made a turkey in a few years. You know that.” I rolled my eyes. Anything to make her life easier, she did it, regardless of how much it cost my dad. “I’m sorry you won’t be here to celebrate with us.”
I’m not.
“Yeah, I know. Raven’s mom, grandmother, and aunts having been cooking since last night. You don’t have to worry about me. There will be plenty of home-cooked food.” I rubbed it in, just a little.
“Oh. Well, then. I’m glad.” Her voice lowered. “I guess the question is: will it be any good?”
I shook my head. Not many things impressed my mom and she was the first to criticize people before giving them an opportunity. “We’ve had a few cookouts and dinners and the food was great. If the way my kitchen smells is any indication of what’s to come, then I’d have to say it’s going to be savory.”